Largest October flood event on record for Snoqualmie River

After 9.1" of torrential rain fell over the last 3 days in the mountains (as observed at Snotel-Olallie Meadow near Snoqualmie Pass) led to major flooding in Snoqualmie Valley, how did river flow end up ranking historically? Today's peak flow, measured in cubic feet per second (cfs), near Snoqualmie Falls ranked 14th all-time (based on historical NWS data back to 1959). Photo taken by Daniel Scott @GeomorphDan The only earlier in season I could find over the threshold of what's considered a 'major' category flood (~41,000 cfs), ranking in at #20 was 10/16/1988 at 40,400 cfs Also notable, 2015 had three independent flooding events! Only 1975 (2) had more than one in top 20. Data: NWS Provided by City of Duvall